Tag Archives: LDS/Mormon

The best laid plans of mice and Katherine often go awry…

ImageI’m at a place in my life where I have hope and energy and faith.  I really am.  But I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I’m still disappointed and confused about some things.  Why haven’t certain opportunities worked out for me yet?  Things that have happened for a lot of my friends and family.  And don’t give me any of the crap about not comparing ourselves.  To avoid that completely is near impossible.

I’m a smart girl.  I’m a good girl.  I work hard.  I have a lot going for me.  But still there are a lot of things lacking.  And I’m not really talking about marriage here (although truthfully, that is a part of it).  I’m talking about career and milestones and other things I want.

I believe they’re coming.  I really do.  And I’ve made so many great strides.  Like, I’m finally starting to get my body back.  I ran my first 5K in a while yesterday, and I secured my lovely apartment in Salt Lake.  Still, I’m hungry for more things that simply aren’t here yet.  I just gotta keep pushing forward, and I will.  I’m happy, but I’m far from satisfied.

Sometimes the greater plan

is kinda hard to understand…

-Luke Bryan

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This señorita got a treat to translate Spanish!

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Today I translated for a Mexican woman in my ward who speaks only minimal English. I didn’t serve a Spanish-speaking mission (I didn’t serve a full-time mission at all, actually), but I have taken several advanced Spanish courses at BYU and lived for a summer in El Salvador. My translation certainly was not perfect, but overall it was a pretty awesome experience! It requires a lot of active thinking and engagement with the lesson to translate. And like anything worthwhile in life, you definitely can’t be afraid to make a mistake because you inevitably will. Totez wanna do it again if there is a need. ¡Qué bien!

anderson know enough

“You don’t know it all,

but you know enough.”

Elder Neil Anderson


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Will you make some room?


“Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus.”  

-Neal Maxwell


Don’t be like that selfish innkeeper who was too busy and rude to care.

Make some room, okay?  Perfect!

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Faith Without Works is Dead…and Vice Versa!


The relationship between faith/grace and works/good deeds/ordinances is a complex and intriguing facet of Christianity that has been the subject of intense debate throughout the centuries.  Indeed, entire religious denominations have been torn apart, with new ones being born, due to differences of beliefs concerning this topic (think Lutheranism vs. Catholicism for just one example).

There is more I wish to explore on this subject at a future time, but for now I’ll say that while the New Testament teaches that “faith without works is dead” (James 2:20, 26), I would also go so far to say that works, without faith is likewise dead.


1)  What do YOU think about the relationship between faith and works?

2)  How can you make sure your faith isn’t dead?

3)  What can you do to ensure that your works aren’t faithless?

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Love at Home.

There is beauty all around

when there’s love at home.


A house doesn’t make a home…

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(Love makes a home)

And did you know that there was a recent LDS conference address that specifically addresses the unique experiences and challenges of single parents?  It was given by this cool Scottish guy who was himself raised in a single-parent home.  I hadn’t heard anything like it before nor have I since.  Check it out!

Read here.  (It’s a good one!)

(Speaking to single parents:) “[p]lease never feel that you are in some kind of second-tier subcategory of Church membership, somehow less entitled to the Lord’s blessings than others.

      In the kingdom of God there are no second-class citizens.

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Friends, how can you cultivate love in YOUR home?

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“In the course of justice,


none of us should see salvation.”

-Portia (from Shakespeare’s ‘The Merchant of Venice’)


Come unto Christ, and be perfected in him…

and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness,

and love God with all your might, mind and strength,

then is his grace sufficient for you


      -Moroni 10:32

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Resilience is Brilliance; I will rise.


Resilience is one of the most important characteristics of a true follower of Christ (in my opinion :)). Being resilient means not allowing yourself to be crippled by failure or paralyzed by fear.  It means choosing to be strong and carry on despite any previous disappointment.

I personally have had to be be resilient a lot in my life.  A lot.  It can be difficult to remain optimistic after being let down so many times.  But I try my best to accept hardship and/or criticism with grace, and just put one foot in front of the other to keep moving forward.  I don’t believe it’s healthy to try to smother or mask any feelings of frustration when things don’t go the way I planned or wanted, but still I retain some semblance of hope, some pocketful of sunshine, despite what rains may come.

The Savior is the ultimate example of someone who was resilient; He either vicariously experienced or felt himself every kind of sorrow, cruelty, sin, and abuse imaginable, and yet He still rose to the occasion (literally!) and reached His glorious potential.

I will rise out these ashes, rise.

From the stubble on the ground

and the trouble I have found

I will rise…

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 1.  When have YOU been resilient and risen out of the ashes?

2.  How can you be resilient to any challenges that you might encounter down the road?

Resilience is brilliance.

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“What are we going to do today?” “What we try to do everyday, TAKE OVER THE WORLD!”


Behind the scenes of my blog I can see how many people are clicking on my links.  And what’s really cool is that a lot of people are clicking on links to the LDS Church website (over 150 clicks to date!).  This fits perfectly into my plan of Mormons taking over the world!


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A plow boy reading the scriptures?! That’s quite remarkable.

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William Tyndale, religious reformer best known for translating the Bible into English, said the following (when speaking to the sometimes snobbish clergy of his day):

“I will cause the boy who drives the plow

to know more of the scriptures than you do.”  

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.Um, does this not SCREAM of Joseph Smith?!  Wow!

In literature, we’d call this foreshadowing.

In the gospel, we call it a prophecy 🙂

Read more here about Elder D. Todd Christofferson’s thoughts on these issues.  His talk totez rocks my socks!

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…the boy who drives the plow

[will know] the scriptures…

plow boy knows the scriptures Joseph Smith


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I used to think that most non-denominational Christians were not only church haters, but also were just a bunch of fence-sitting pansies who were too afraid to take a stand (mean-spirited and judgmental, I know!)…

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I do not think that anymore.

Still Christian!

Still Latter-day Saint/Mormon!

I do feel bad that I used to have this condescending attitude toward Christians who choose not to follow or participate in one certain denomination or religious sect.  But here’s the thing:

If my own faith is centered around Christ, with all other doctrines and details being merely peripheral (which is true of the Latter-day Saint theology), why should I doubt the sincerity and piety of others whose beliefs are essentially the same?

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“And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins.”

2nd Nephi 25:26

Yeppers, that pretty much says it all.  And even though that passage is Mormon specific, I’ll bet that pretty much all believers agree with its general message.  So sorry I ever thought the way I did, friends.

Hope you can forgive me…

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*Just a note:  I still do think that it is possible to be too general in moralism and even underly-dogmatic (is that even a word?).  Read Jewish NY Times writer David Brooks’s thoughts on this idea here,  as it specifically relates to the Book of Mormon Broadway musical.


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A Spectrum of (Mormon) Feminism


There are some (Mormon) feminists who are sincere, honest, and intelligent in their beliefs.

I respect and validate these people.


There are some (Mormon) feminists who are obnoxious, bandwagon followers, and are just looking for reasons to protest and make their annoying voices heard.

I roll my eyes at these people (sometimes literally) and pray they would just STOP!

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There is, and always has been, a spectrum of feminism:  You’ve got your bra-burning liberals, your Susan B. Anthony’ types, and everything in between.  The American author Charlotte Perkins Gilman leaned veeery far to the left, even going so far as to seriously suggest that women should segregate themselves from men and form their own societies.  Though I certainly don’t agree with this level of extremism, MANY of Gilman’s other feminist ideals resonate strongly with me, particularly those found in her ever influential piece “The Yellow Wallpaper” (duh!).   Gilman perfectly embodies the ambiguity of the concept of feminism, even within a single person.

I personally am conservative/moderate, both on the political spectrum and on the feminist spectrum (though they are of course not mutually exclusive).

What are YOUR thoughts on (Mormon) feminism?


The woman wearing orange in the first picture is Neylan McBaine, a Mormon moderate feminist writer (just like me!).  Among other things, Neylan founded the Mormon Women’s Project, an online database that interviews LDS women of a range of backgrounds, experiences, ethnicities, goals, and challenges.  I have privileged to be a writer for the MWP.  Will definitely write more about it soon.  Stay.  Tuned.


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Mormon women posing nude?! Come on ya’ll, that’s super crude!

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There is a new photography collection by artist Katrina Barker Anderson of Mormon women posing nude (google at your own risk, which some of you will because you’re pervs).  It’s done in the name of the women reclaiming themselves from a culture of shame about their bodies.  Come on, ya’ll.  I know you have good intentions, but that is ridiculous.  Posing NAKED?!  How are your children gonna feel knowing there are naked pictures of their mothers online? (hint: super awkward).  Listen, the female body is beautiful and divine.  Yes, throughout history there has been shaming of women’s bodies and sexuality.  These types of behaviors and attitudes are unacceptable.  But that does NOT mean ya gotta show us all you got!  Because it’s sacred, keep it covered (except for yourself and for your husband, who will totally love it!).  Not because it’s ugly or shameful, but because it’s personal!  Goolly, this REALLY is inappropriate (understatement).  Go on and say I’m judgmental if you’d like.  Some of you undoubtedly will, and that’s ok.  But an exhibit of Mormon women posing naked?  No way, Jose.  I’m not saying it’s pornography, but I AM saying that it’s extremely inappropriate.

Oh, and if any men deem this collection to be wrong, the artist and her models will cry of oppressive patriarchy.  So take it from a fellow Mormon woman:

                            PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!

And when in recent history has something good coming of posing nude? Pretty much NEVER.  Some of you might say, “but it’s art!”  That’s a slippery slope, and I really believe we’d all do well to avoid it.  Taking naked pictures of yourself is never a good idea, ESPECIALLY in our digital age.


You can be pretty and feminine and STILL keep your clothes on.  I am living proof of that 🙂

(hope that doesn’t sound too terribly cocky!)

Mormon women posing nude?

Come on ya’ll, that’s SUPER crude!

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Anger! he smiles tow’ring

shiny metallic purple armour…

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“He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he that ruleth his spirit [is better] than he that taketh a city.”

-King Solomon

Proverbs 16:32

ImageWhat’s the advantage

in learning to manage?


DON’T look back in anger.

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Anger is “a sin of thought which, if not controlled,

may be the forerunner of vicious and violent acts.”

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Anger should not be fully expressed

Nor should it be fully repressed.

When dealing with this sin of thought,

Just try to do your very best!


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“So, you guys REALLY think there are prophets on the earth today?!”


Some people have a hard time accepting Mormons’ claim that there are apostles and prophets on the earth today.  I can understand where they are coming from. It sounds a little far-fetched, right?  Or perhaps it comes off as blasphemous.

Allow me to pose the following question:

Assuming that God exists, why could He not speak to man?  Why should we limit His abilities (especially if he’s done so in the past to ancient prophets like Moses)?


“Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth

his secret unto his servants the prophets.”

Amos 6:7


God is not dead, nor doth he sleep!

-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (19th century American poet)


God lives.

And there ARE prophets on the Earth today!




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Look who’s talking now! (the post in which I brag about my success)

When my blog was approximately 10 days old, I asked a veteran blogger to take a look and give me some constructive feedback.  He told me in no uncertain terms that while my blog was a cute thing for me to do for myself, it wouldn’t go anywhere.  Now I have more views in more countries in 4 months than he does in 5 years.  I hold no ill feelings toward this person, but I’m definitely having the last laugh on this one…


Bragging may be nagging,

but hey, I’m only human!


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The difference between Mitt Romney and myself.


It would not have been wise for Mitt Romney to speak publicly about his Mormon faith (duh).  I’m grateful that I do not have that same limitation, and I can speak about it all I want!

And I just compared myself to Mitt Romney.  Thunderbolt of blasphemy for sure.

Oh, also there are TON of other differences between Mitt and myself.  Like he makes millions, to name just one example.


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Never Been More Grateful…

It’s Thanksgiving, right?  So lemme express and explain to ya one specific thing that I am SUPER grateful for:


Today, when (I feel) our government is wildly reckless with our hard-earned money, I have never been more grateful that I can unreservedly trust giving 10% of my income to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the form of tithing.

I am completely confident that our funds are being wisely allocated.

What have YOU never been more grateful for?

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The single most fundamental tenet of Mormonism…

is NOT that Joseph had a vision, that the heavens are open, that families can be together for eternity, that there are prophets and apostles on earth today, that Jesus Christ performed the Atonement, that modern revelation is real, that the Book of Mormon is scripture comparable to the Bible, or that the Church/gospel has been restored in its fullness.

The single most core belief of the LDS faith is…


God Exists. 

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Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)


Concerning the topic of AIDS/HIV:

Concerning the issue of HIV/ AIDS:  “We, with others, hope that discoveries will make possible both prevention and healing from this dread affliction. But regardless of such discoveries, the observance of one clearly understandable and divinely given rule would do more than all else to check this epidemic. That is chastity before marriage and total fidelity [in] marriage.” -Gordon Hinckley (said in 1987).

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“Having said this, I desire now to say with emphasis that our concern for the bitter fruit of sin is coupled with Christlike sympathy for its victims, innocent or culpable… We should reach out with kindness and comfort to the afflicted, ministering to their needs and assisting them with their problems.”

-Gordon B Hinckley (LDS Church President/Prophet 1995-2008).


Can’t really add anymore to that.

The commandments are for our benefit.

Obey them please!


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German Shepherd

President Uchtdorf is a German Shephard!


lemme explain…

Kath’s Main Points:

1)  President Dieter F. Uchtdorf is German.

2)  President U is a shepherd (he leads people to truth).

3)  President U is a German Shepherd!

4)  Gotta be soooo very careful making jokes like this.  I think I’m okay in this case.

5)  I like dogs a lot.

6)  I like wordplay just as much.

7)  Doing black & white videos of yourself makes you look artsy.

8)  Shepherd’s pie is a little too heavy for me.


President Uchtdorf

is a German Shepherd!

And yes, I know that’s not a German shepherd, so don’t give me any crap, please.  I considered doing some research to see if I could find one to take a picture with it, but I figured this picture does what I need it to….

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Forgive us our debts…

ImageIn the late 1890s, the Mormon Church was deeply in debt. Lorenzo Snow, the then-president of the faith, prayed for help and inspiration. Thus, came the revelation of the modern tithe, as announced in 1899 in St. George, Utah. Within a few short years, the Church was out of debt. And we NEVER will be in debt again. Never. Not to brag or sound worldly, but the cash flow of the LDS church has been surging ever since (hint: We. Are. Rich. But we use the money well and none of our leaders are paid!)

ImageThough I know this is probably impossible, I sure wish our modern government would take SOME sort of look at how we (Latter-day Saints/Mormons) do things.  Cuz we know how to get things done, be efficient, be responsible stewards with our money and properties.  And there is no one in his/her right mind who can say the same about the United States.  Trillions of dollars in the hole doesn’t just go away…

ImageMore to come on these issues…


We need more than just a passing glance

at the efficiency of Mormon finance!


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“The need was never greater for new revelation than now.”


Ralph Waldo Emerson

(Father of American Transcendentalism)

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And lemme give you a little context here.   RWE had the audacity to speak these words to a room full of ecclesiastical traditionalists (no doubt, some of them with their panties in a twist) at the Divinity School at Harvard University.  At the time, this was considered highly unorthodox, radical, and even heretical.  But he said it anyways!  Know why?  ‘Cuz it’s true!  And also when you’re as cool as him, you can kinda do whatever you fancy, I suppose.   You wreck it, Ralph!

Friends, do YOU agree with Mr. Emerson that we desperately need new revelation? (hint: if you don’t, you are disagreeing with one of the most enlightened thinkers in (relatively) recent history.  Though not 100% guaranteed, it is HIGHLY likely that he is smarter than any and all of us, no offense.)

This is one of my favorite LDS Conference addresses on the subject, given by none other than the famous Elder Jeffrey Holland that we (all) know and love. He mentions Emerson! And a whole bunch of other famous thinkers/ writers/ philosophers/ theologians too. WATCH!

Read here.

In a world of unrest and fear, political turmoil and moral drift, I testify that Jesus is the Christ; I testify of His prophets, seers, and revelators, who constitute the ongoing foundation of that Church and bear witness that such offices and such oracles are at work now, under the guidance of the Savior of us all, in and for our very needful day.

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“The need was never greater for new revelation than now.”

and we have it!


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Masturbation is a topic that is highly sensitive, uncomfortable, and potentially embarrassing/ awkward.  Those things notwithstanding, I feel strongly enough about it that I created a short video to express my thoughts on the matter.  And let me reassure you that it is mature, tactful, and even appropriately and gently witty!

President Henry B. Eyring, or any of the LDS General Authorities, will never view this post.  But Justin Biebz and Jaden Smith remind me to “Never Say Never!”  So readers please know that if any apostle/ prophet/ Stake President/ Bishop/ employer/ long-lost cousin/WHOMEVER (!) ever did stumble (thanks Natasha B!) upon this video , I would not be uncomfortable.  In other words, IT’S CLEAN, YA’LL!  Check it stat:

and just a brief explanation of my outfit…


I don’t like this subject.

I am not a yucky girl.

I believe in agency.

I am fully aware that some will disagree with me.

I never intend to be preachy or judgmental.

But most importantly:

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I strongly express that, whatever your religious beliefs/ life philosophies,

avoiding this type of behavior will bless your life!

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Be Ye Clean…

(love this talk by President Gordon B. Hinckley by the way!)

Doctrine and Covenants 38:42


Do not do anything else that arouses sexual feelings… in your own body.

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~For the Strength of Youth


Here is a landmark talk by Elder Boyd K. Packer on the matter:

(as it’s title explicates, the address was given for young men only,

but I feel comfortable including it since it is available on LDS.org)

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I love how President Packer is not obscene,

but is still very direct and doesn’t hold back

(boldness, but not overbearance…)

Alma 38:12

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To conclude this post, I wish to bear testimony that,

no matter your age, gender, religion, or beliefs

you will be happier if you keep your mind

and body free of this activity!


And ask the Master for help if you need it.


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“Pornography is a weapon of moral mass destruction.”


-Quentin L. Cook

(of the Quorum of the 12 of the LDS Church)

Oh, and even if you don’t believe in God/ religion/ Mormonism, you should know that Quentin Cook graduated summa cum laude from Stanford Law, so it’s 99.9% guaranteed that he’s smarter than you.

No offense.


Study this knock-out quote in it’s original context here!

Click here for a more in-depth analysis of my hatred of all things related to pornography.

Pornography is a weapon

of MORAL mass destruction.

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Great catch!

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                                                                    You’re such a catch.


Katniss is a Christ-figure in this series. FYI


gonna include this AND the talk cuz it’s that good!

Read here. 

                                             Holden Caulfield is a weirdo, I hear…




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If you need someone to talk to,


I’ve got the time.

~G. DeGraw

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Fourth Time’s a Charm!

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My naughty Nissan FINALLY passed its emission inspection!

And I bought myself a huge bottle of chocolate milk to celebrate


Folks, it’s real important to do our best to stay on top of responsibilities like this (If anyone knows what it’s like to get overwhelmed by car stuff, it’s me!  But thankfully I’ve come a long way). One way to think of it is being a wise steward over your stuff.  Seriously, try to maintain your vehicle so you can keep yourself and others safe and happy.  Sound good?  I just knew you’d see it my way…

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“We are stewards over our bodies, minds, families, and properties.”

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1)  What things are YOU a steward over?

2)  Why is wise stewardship so important?

3)  How can you be an even better steward?

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Okay, gotta go drink down my yummy treat.

Hmm, maybe I should pour it over a bowl of Lucky Charms!

(look at my title!)

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I respect people who logically, tactfully, and even passionately disagree with (parts of) the Mormon Church.


But people who trash talk the Church? Ya’ll got your right to free speech of course, but guess what…


Go start your own Church and see how far you get. Maybe you’ll get 100 Facebook followers in a week if you strategize real well and give out free candy 🙂 If I were you I’d choose the winning team, huh?


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Some people (profess to) believe in an after-life as more of a defense mechanism against the pain of death, rather than an actual conviction…

That’s not why I believe in it.

More to come…

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Restoring the Sacred Role of Women: A Jungian look at “The Da Vinci Code”

Disclaimer:  The following essay contains ideas that may be misinterpreted as anti-Catholic.  While history has clearly demonstrated corruption within Catholicism, I still know that there are many good people in the Catholic Church who follow Christ.  Please understand that as I write about unsavory parts of Christendom, I do so to reveal truth about gender and religious misconceptions, and not to mock or belittle Catholics.

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Restoring the Sacred Role of Women so as to Unify

Male and Female in Order to Reach Individuation

A Jungian Analysis of “The Da Vinci Code”

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A discussion of gender roles and the separate spheres of men and women has fascinated writers and thinkers for centuries.  Too often, the male and female sexes have been thought of as diametrically opposed to one another, leading to a separation between the two.   But famed Swiss Psychologist Carl Jung believed strongly that the human being’s deepest desire was to become unified, or whole.  (In fact, this fundamental belief is what caused him to split from the views of Sigmund Freud, who believed the deepest desire was to act on one’s suppressed sexual desires).  According to Jung, an exploration of the psyche involves us to look inside ourselves, where we unfortunately see only separate pieces.  But it is not just the unification of the fragmented parts of one’s individual psyche that must occur.  Rather, it also refers to the unification with others, specifically between a man and a woman.  Unfortunately, history has either left women out, stripped them of respect, or even vilified them.  This is most evident in the centuries following the crucifixion of Christ.  While historical Christianity has greatly reduced, even vilified the role of women, certain non-canonical, non-traditional texts give women the respect and honor they deserve, allowing for the union of men and women that is so fundamental for individuation.

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To be clear, it must not be understood that true Christianity does not reduce the role of women.  Indeed, Jung explains that many incorrect Christian doctrines (thus including the importance of women), is “not of the deepest and best understanding of Christianity, but of the superficialities and disastrous misunderstandings” of it (Jung 437).  Rather, it is historical Christianity (specifically Catholicism) that degrades the role of women.

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In Dan Brown’s novel The Da Vinci Code (the novel to which this essay will repeatedly refer), the two characters who best embody this idea of distorted Christianity are Silas and Leigh Teabing:  They are both physically crippled:  Silas is constantly engaging in self-flagellation, inflicting himself with pain in the name of God, while Teabing walks with canes to assist him.   But more importantly, they are crippled in the sense that they completely misunderstand true Christian doctrine, as they both commit murder in their attempts to gain access to the Holy Grail.

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There are countless examples throughout the centuries where women have been oppressed and mistreated.  Indeed, the Catholic Inquisition, which warned of the “dangers of freethinking women,” killed an estimated 5 million women” (Brown 125).  Jung explains that this culture of disrespect for women has created a disastrous a role in Western [thought]”, and that “our patriarchally oriented culture is largely to blame” (Jacobi 117).  As Dan Brown’s protagonist Robert Langdon clarifies, it “was man [presumably both human being and male], NOT God who created the concept of ‘original sin,’ where Eve tasted of the apple and caused the downfall of the human race” (Brown 238).

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The only woman that the historical Catholic Church does seem to revere is Mary, the mother of Christ.   Allan Mohl, expert on the impact of religious fundamentalism, asserts, “Catholicism in particular has stressed the ideal image of the Virgin Mary as embodying the maternal characteristics to be emulated by all women.”

But is this not unreasonable?! 

If Mary is the ultimate example of an honorable and noteworthy women, the essence of what other women should aspire to be, it is not fair that she is a virgin, as immaculate conception has occurred (and will occur) only once.

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Indeed, the fate of mankind depends literally and

quite completely on women exercising their sexual power.

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Examples of women being discriminated against, whether explicitly or covertly, are unfortunately not just an idea of the past.  Sadly, women today are often treated in a manner that is inferior to that of men.  In The Da Vinci Code, Bezu Fache dislikes Sophie from the start, claiming that her mere presence distracts the men in his field in their jobs (Brown 50).  He is no doubt aware of her beauty, and perceives her as even a sexual distraction, though she in no way perpetrates this idea by her actions or her words.  Fache is also threatened by Sophie’s intelligence. This is an example of Jungian’s notion of scape-goating, as he is unaware of his shadow, and is thus projecting his insecurity onto the woman, who is a cultural “other.”        

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In an even more overt modern-day example of the subjugation of the female, one needs only to look to the Catholic sect known as Opus Dei.  Brown explains that at its New York City headquarters, men and women enter separate doors; men at the front door, and women at the back door.  Women were made to sleep on hard-wood floors, which is just one way in which they were made to pay for the perceived price of Eve’s sins.  Regarding this, the villainous Silas remarks of Sister Sandrine, keeper of the Church of Saint-Sulpice, “she should not be punished for the sins of others” (89).  This statement is painfully ironic, as neither Silas, nor any of the devout followers of Opus Dei understand the deep significance of his words.

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Christianity as a whole tends to leave women out of the picture as pertaining to historical documentation.  For example, the Gnostic Gospels speaking of Mary Magdalene (namely the Gospel of Phillip and the Gospel of Mary) are notably absent from the cannon. Elaine Pagels, Professor of Religion at Princeton University, contends that the Gnostic Gospels were not included in the cannon precisely because of their positive portrayal of women (120).

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From a Latter-day Saint perspective, there exists a general consensus that we do not even speak of Heavenly Mother, the wife of our God.  Most believe that this is because we wish to respect Her and keep Her name from being profaned.  Though there is no doubt that many are sincere in this belief, no official church statement or words of high ranking church members (apostles and prophets) supports this view.  Therefore, we must question this notion; is it perhaps unfairly patriarchal, once again reducing the role and importance of women?  Naturally, discussion of Heavenly Mother and also the marriage of Christ make some uncomfortable.  This essay does not intend to be blasphemous nor mock things of a holy nature.  On the contrary, it intends to expose what is blasphemous and restore what is sacred- that of the important role of women, and more specifically, the holy union between male and female.

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Another aspect of historical Christianity that is intricately connected with the cruelty associated with women is the vilification of sex.  Reproductive ability was once regarded as a very sacred power, but now it posed a threat to the male-dominated Christendom, and was therefore portrayed negatively.  Mary Magdalene was stripped of respect and recast as a whore.  (Even the 2004 popular Mel Gibson film, “Passion of the Christ” depicts her as such, once again suggesting that we are unfortunately not yet free of these misconceptions)  Likewise, the Baphomet ceremony, once practiced by the Pagans celebrated the creative magic of sexual union, was banned by Pope Clement (Brown 316).  In The Da Vinci Code, Sophie Neveu witnessed Jacques Sauniere (whom she believed to be her grandfather) engaging in a sexual ritual, which Robert Langdon later explains to be a ceremony referred to as Hieros Gamos, which is simply another version of the Baphoment.  This act is not a perversion, but one which the ancients believed helped the male be spiritually complete in his union with the sacred feminine.  Furthermore, Hieros Gamos was practiced as a celebration of the female’s power to give life (Brown 308-9).   Still, by robbing sexuality of respect and the honor which it once held, the szygy, or the union of opposites between a man and a woman, specifically in the physical sense, was lost.


Before the union of men and women can occur, women and men must have the same level of importance.  In other words, neither Jung, Brown, Pagels, nor any of the other numerous writers on the topic argue for feminism in the sense that women are superior to men, but rather that women must be respected as equals and acknowledged for their significant view.  A source illustrating the importance of women is found in the Gnostic Gospels, specifically in the Gospel of Mary, where the relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene is as follows: “And the companion of the Saviour is Mary Magdalene.  Christ loved her more than all the disciples and used to kiss her often on her mouth” (Brown 246).   This passage marks a distinct contrast with the common interpretation of Mary Magdalene, and further suggests a redemptive outlook for women in general.

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Another source with more prominent ethos which likewise implies a respect for women is in the canonical Bible.  If Christ truly was married, as the novel purports that textual and historical evidence suggests, then He would understand the vital role of women.  In other words, true Christian doctrine seems to rightfully revere the sacred feminine.  Therefore, a close reading of the New Testament reveals a veneration of the female.  For example, the oft-quoted Parable of the Ten Virgins found in the Book of Matthew features women.  Although half of them fail to be prepared for the coming of the bridegroom, the other half are prepared, exemplifying righteous women depicted by Christ himself.  At least two other scriptural examples support not only a respectful view of women, but also specifically a sanctioning of marriage:  In the aforementioned parable, Christ is the bridegroom.  Also, the Gospel of John depicts Jesus at a wedding with his mother.  Surely, Christ would not depict himself as a central figure in a marriage metaphor, nor be present at a marriage ceremony, if he did not approve of the matrimonial union of a man and a woman. Furthermore, is marriage not the ultimate example of the union of opposites, both the man and the woman?

According to Jung, humans are fragmented and can only be reconciled by union. This “union of opposites” must take place within one’s own individual psyche, but it must also take place between the male and the female.  Indeed, the first alchemists believed in conjunctio, or the mystic marriage or the concept of creation that results from mating, an idea that Jung describes as “having preoccupied the minds of [scientists] for seventeen centuries” (Jung 398-9).  Elaine Pagels’s interpretation of another of the Gnostic Gospels offers a view of the necessity of gender union to reach salvation, which can be equated to Jung’s concept of individuation.  The Gospel of Thomas explicitly states Jesus’s explanation that in order to enter the kingdom, “male and the female [must be] one and the same” (129).  This implies that men and women are both equal to one another, but must also be united with one another to reach enlightenment.

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Though not involving a romantic/marital relationship, the central characters of The Da Vinci Code exemplify this necessary union between a man and woman.  The traditional interpretation of the quest for the Holy Grail involves a single male knight searching for the cup of Christ.  Dan Brown offers a different version: Sophie Neveu  and Robert Langdon must work together to uncover the knowledge concerning the Holy Grail, which turns out to be not a literal cup at all, but instead a metaphor for a sacred woman-Mary Magdalene.  Sophie and Robert have different areas of expertise, but their collective knowledge is not at all in opposition, but instead complimentary toward the other.  In other words, the male and the female need one another to reach their purpose.

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Jung explains that “the contrasexual element has sunk so deep into the unconscious” that it is very difficult to disengage ourselves from this patriarchal concept which has unfortunately been indoctrinated into our collective unconscious for centuries.   One may question if there is any redemption for the future, any possibility of restoring the sacred feminine, and thus the sacred union between the man and the woman.  Essentially, is there hope? Yes! In 1969, the Vatican officially (albeit quietly) retracted their view of Mary Magdalene as a prostitute, suggesting an attempt to at least begin to eradicate past damages inflicted upon women (Shoemaker).  Brown’s novel certainly offers hope for women, as Sophie is a woman of royal blood, a descendent of Christ himself.  Likewise, the novel suggests that an understanding of art, both from the past from the works of Da Vinci, and from more modern works such as Georgia O’Keefe paintings, offer a veneration for womanhood.  For example, concerning Da Vinci’s famed painting “The Last Supper,” the novel suggests the idea that the figure seated to the direct left of Jesus is not John the apostle, but is instead Mary Magdalene, wife of Christ.  This idea is supported by many factors:  the feminine-appearing face, the V-shape (an ancient symbol of womanhood) formed between both Jesus and the perceived Mary, and other possible evidences.  Although scholars argue over the validity of this idea, Dan Brown’s inclusion of this significant detail causes readers to ponder the importance of women during the time of the original church, and hopefully begin to understand the need for a revival of the knowledge of the important role of women even (and perhaps especially) today.


Overall, women have suffered a tremendous amount of oppression throughout the years, which unfortunately has been done largely in part in the supposed name of God.  Jung would argue that this is done not in the true spirit of Christianity, but rather because of an insecurity of men that leads to a society dominated by the repressive views of men.   Furthermore, this concept of the degradation of women, where they are stripped of respect, humanity, and sacredness, is the very source of so much tension and lack of harmony in both society and within ourselves as well.  True wholeness comes from restoring the sacredness of the female, but also in the unison, or syzgy, of men and women, who are not to be in competition nor opposition with one another, but are instead to be understood as complimenting one another.  Jung, Brown, and other scholars look forward with a hopeful view, one in which women are to be redeemed, then reunited with men, allowing for true individuation and wholeness to occur.


1.  What are your thoughts/ beliefs/ experiences concerning these ideas?

2.  How can you personally restore proper female/male balance to reach a sacred union in your own relationships?

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gonna start delving into some of my college papers now…


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Very rarely does a song capture pretty much everything I believe about what a man should and SHOULDN’T expect of his girlfriend (in a way that is both refreshingly true and also hilarious!)

This is one of those songs.

Not only that, but musically it’s a great song as well (blending a ton of instruments/ genres).

Oh, and Shedaisy is Mormon too.  Don’t hate that!

And their name was derived from a Navajo word that their brother learned on his full-time LDS mission.  Cool!

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More to come from these girls.  I like them a LOT.

I won’t be your Martha Stewart baby, or your all-night restaurant. 

But I WILL be your everything!


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It seems to me some fine things have been laid upon your table,

but you always want the ones that you can’t get!


I HATE the show “Desperate Housewives” by the way (I’ll tell ya why later),

but this post would simply be incomplete without referencing it.

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                  Children’s author Obert Skye claims that, “Desperate times call for:


“To despair is to turn your back on God.”

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      complicated words slipping off of your tongue

and ain’t one of them the truth...

                                                                       there’s danger in frustration…



PS.  I thought long and hard about including the picture of the Savior.  He wasn’t desperate in the traditional sense, but I feel that his hell in the garden could rightfully be classified as desperate.

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I ain’t comprehensive, but I sure am extensive!

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So I don’t write about it all (“it all” being anything and everything going on in my life and in the Universe as a whole).  But I most certainly would if I could!  In the words of Evita, “the physical interferes.”  Like, I gotta eat and shower and go to work and socialize and stuff!  And guess what?  Those seemingly mundane things inspire me all the more!  Good problem to have, but yes, still (somewhat of) a problem.  I am constantly wanting to read, and to write about what I read.  I try my best, but writing this blog isn’t an exact science.  Still, I celebrate what I do write.  And also that I write a lot.  Like, a LOT!  And in case you haven’t noticed, I write about a TON of stuff:  The gospel, John Mayer, my love life (or lack, thereof), Natasha Bedingfield, social issues, Charles Dickens, and John Mayer again.  And those are just a few;   you see, the list is never ending!  A never-ending story.  Variety is my middle name!  Not really, but it might be as well be!  Katherine Anne Variety Wilkinson.  Got a nice ring to it, dontcha think?

My blog ain’t comprehensive

but it sure is extensive!


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I just can’t help it.

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Ever since I first saw this famous American painting,

I’ve ALWAYS seen a striking resemblance to

 President Henry B. Eyring of the LDS Church.

I’m sorry if this is offensive.

I don’t mean to be disrespectful at all.

If my calculations are accurate, I can expect the thunderbolt of blasphemy within 10 minutes.


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I just got a Facebook Badge (on the right-hand column)!  Cool!  So add me if ya wanna….

But I won’t BADGEr you ’bout it 🙂


Badge is an interesting word.  It’s one of the words that is not super rare but not super common either.  What does it even mean?  We all kinda know intuitively but it can be hard to pinpoint an exact definition, know what I mean?  And although Ms. Natasha Bedingfield claims we “don’t need a dictionary helping,” I actually did consult one in this case:

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(this is not my fave JM song, but I still appreciate it)

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“This house is safe and warm, but I was made to chase the storm.”

oh my gosh, this lyric TOTEZ reminds me of a speech

that was given at BYU a few years ago!

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Ships are safe in the harbor


by LDS General Authority Claudio Costa


(read here!)

girl you are waaaaaay off topic, get back to the basics

basics christina!

back to Badge, you smart-aleck!

red badge

I read some stuff by Stephen Crane in an American Lit class at BYU.  Interesting.  Lots of violence, if I remember correctly.  Used stylistically and to serve a purpose, but still I strongly dislike the subject.  Just sayin’.

getting off topic again…


Screen shot 2013-10-12 at 4.14.00 PM…this was for a paper I wrote on “The Yellow Wallpaper.”

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Friends:  What do YOU think of the word “badge“?

PS.  Go count all the cool stuff in the post.

Do I stay that too often?


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LDS church policies may change a lil’ bit from time to time,


but the gospel of Jesus Christ remains constant.


Church and/or Gospel

(read what awesome Mormon scholar Eugene England has to say!)

Myth vs. experience.

Justice and Mercy.

Line of propriety.

More to come.

Much more.

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Bill Maher makes my heart sour.

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Let Ms. Wilkinson give you the low-down

on what’s goin’ on with the fool pictured above:


1)  I believe in free speech.

2)  I haven’t seen a ton of Billy’s stuff, but what I have seen is almost always disrespectful, sacrilegious, discriminatory, inappropriate, racist, unkind, profane, rude, obscene, and just overall mean.

3)  I don’t hate anyone except for Satan (although Maher makes me reconsider somewhat…).

4)  I validate people who have concerns with organized religion (or otherwise doctrinally strict life philosophies).  Read more here about this:

5)  I don’t think all atheists are bad people (read more here!).

6)  I VERY MUCH think that Bill Maher is a bad person (and I don’t make comments like that very often!).

7)  I see connections between Bill Maher and the Book of Mormon figure Korihor.

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8)  There are public figures who poke fun at Mormonism (and other religious/cultural groups as well) in a way that is NOT unkind or belittling.  Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart are the ones that come to mind at the moment.

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9)  If you’re dying for a television fix of a gray-haired man, may I suggest checkin’ out Anderson Cooper?  I am a fan of his stuff. And I even wrote him a lil’ poem!

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10)  We may find others’ (religious) beliefs (very) odd, but still we must find the humanity and decency to show some level of respect, even if we do not (fully) agree.

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I’m not worried about (permanent) damage that Mr. Bill Maher will do to the image of the LDS Church (cuz he can’t!).  No way.  We’re here to say.  And he’ll be left to his own sad life.  (Sorry if this is a lil’ mean-spirited).

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None will molest them from morn until ev’n.

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  ~Now Let Us Rejoice (LDS Hymn #3)

Still, Billy Boy bugs me so much so that I devoted

(a lot of) time and effort to writing this post.

Come on now, Maher. Change yo wayz a lil’ bit, huh?

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BILL MAHER PUTS A SOUR taste in my mouth…

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and if I’m gonna have those particular taste-buds activated,

I’d muuuuuch rather it be because of something like this:

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PS.  I understand that his last name does not naturally rhyme with the word “sour;”  I twisted it for a stylistic purpose.   Lots of artists do this kind of thing (slant rhyme is the exact term).  John Mayer does it in his song “You’re No One ’til Someone Lets You Down.”  Check it stat!

proud girl!

PPS.  Not gonna lie, I’m quite proud of this post and its plethora of literary/journalistic/celebrity/religious/historical references.  Go count ’em!

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“While you should be friendly with ALL people, select with great care those whom you wish to have close to you.”


~President Gordon B. Hinckley


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Many people today are hesitant, wary, or even out-rightly opposed to organized religion…

Imageand I completely validate many of the common concerns that go along with it!  Unfortunately, history has shown that many evil and abusive deeds have been done by those professing to act in the name of God.  Imperialism/forced conversion, mistreatment of women, acts of terrorism (of a range of means and magnitude), twisting of doctrine for one’s own purposes (the Book of Mormon refers to this as priestcraft), that kind of thing.  So I don’t think people who “swear off religion” are necessarily bad people AT ALL (unless they are unkind and blatantly mock others’ beliefs).

But we are all looking for truth.

More to come.

PS.  I use such images with intensely great care and NEVER intend to be flippant about abuse of any kind.  Just wanted to express that yet again because I simply cannot emphasize it enough.  Also, I know that there are many good people in the Catholic Church.

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KATH DON’T CARE what Simon Says…

Truths to Consider:

1)  WE ARE ALL ARTISTS! (here’s Prezident Uchtdorf’s take on this…)

2)  We ain’t all gonna make it big (and that’s okay, ya’ll!)

3)  Stem of Jesse (Jessica!) in the scriptures

4)  What insight “The Merchant of Venice” taught me about the HBO filth series “Girls”

5)  My take on “The Great Gatsby” in 3 sentences.

6)  Haven’t yet written about Mark Twain’s  ever famous and influential piece (Huck Finn).  Stay.  Tuned.

7)  What Amanda Bynes (indirectly) taught me about Mormon temples.

8)  “American Idol” certainly has produced some talent, but overall is waaaaay over-rated.

9)  Hozaboutcha take an exodus from this blog and go read about what Moses says about idols? (here!)

10)  Katherine loves wordplay.  And admit it, she’s pretty darn awesome at it, huh? 🙂

ImageSimon Cowell…

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should lose that scowl!

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(muuuuch better, darlin’)

Just sayin’

(Kath, refer to your title in an awesome way that only you can…)

this song is one of the best in recent history.  just sayin’


So friends please take it to heart, when I say to go make some art!

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The Immaculate Conception only happened once…


and I mentally conceive that a bedroom as immaculate as mine is right now will only happen once as well!


the Titans of Jupiter just catapulted a thunderbolt of blasphemy

headed for my exact geographic location


The phrase Immaculate Conception is one with which I’m not sure most Mormons are extremely familiar.  It is the Catholic term referring to the virgin pregnancy and birth of Jesus Christ.

Also, throughout art history, Mary is almost always depicted in the color of blue.

*oh, and that picture of me is way old.  Like 5 years or something.

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