Tag Archives: Tim McGraw

KATH DON’T CARE what Simon Says…

Truths to Consider:

1)  WE ARE ALL ARTISTS! (here’s Prezident Uchtdorf’s take on this…)

2)  We ain’t all gonna make it big (and that’s okay, ya’ll!)

3)  Stem of Jesse (Jessica!) in the scriptures

4)  What insight “The Merchant of Venice” taught me about the HBO filth series “Girls”

5)  My take on “The Great Gatsby” in 3 sentences.

6)  Haven’t yet written about Mark Twain’s  ever famous and influential piece (Huck Finn).  Stay.  Tuned.

7)  What Amanda Bynes (indirectly) taught me about Mormon temples.

8)  “American Idol” certainly has produced some talent, but overall is waaaaay over-rated.

9)  Hozaboutcha take an exodus from this blog and go read about what Moses says about idols? (here!)

10)  Katherine loves wordplay.  And admit it, she’s pretty darn awesome at it, huh? 🙂

ImageSimon Cowell…

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should lose that scowl!

Image    Image

(muuuuch better, darlin’)

Just sayin’

(Kath, refer to your title in an awesome way that only you can…)

this song is one of the best in recent history.  just sayin’


So friends please take it to heart, when I say to go make some art!

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